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Monday, September 2
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law
Opening of the Congress, Inaugural addresses





Monday, September 2, 14.00

  • Library of the Holy Synod, 14.00-18.00
  • Session Les traductions de la littérature patristique dans le Sud-Est européen / Translations of Patristic Literature in South-East Europe, Convenors: Zamfira Mihail, Lora Taseva
  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, 14.00-18.30
  • Session Réseaux dans le Sud-Est européen: politique, commerce, culture (XIVe-XVIIe siècles) / Networks in South-East Europe: Politics, Trade, Culture (14th-17th Centuries) (1st part), Convenor: Ovidiu Cristea
  • Keynote lecture: Andrei Pippidi, Réseaux et rencontres : ce qui en ressort pour la mémoire historique
  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, 14.00-18.00
  • Session Nouvelles perspectives sur la linguistique balkanique / New Perspectives on Balkan Linguistics (1st part), Convenors: Mariyana Tsibranska, Cătălina Vătășescu, Vasilka Alexova
  • Keynote lecture: Victor A. Friedman & Catherine Rudin, Double Determination in Balkan Slavic and Albanian
  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, 14.00-18.30
  • La Mer Noire et ses détroits : une permanence historique sud-est européenne/ The Black Sea and its Straits: a Permanency of South-East European History, Convenors: Ionel Cândea, Sergiu Iosipescu
  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, 14.00-18.30
  • Session La littérature phanariote / The Phanariote Literature, Convenors: Lia Brad Chisacof, Jacques Bouchard
  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, 14.00-18.30
  • Empires’ Legacy in the Balkans: Romania and Bulgaria in the XXth Century / L’héritage des empires dans les Balkans: Roumanie et Bulgarie au XXe siècle, Convenors: Alexandre Kostov, Cristina Diac
  • Keynote lecture: Alexandre Kostov, L'héritage habsbourgeois et ottoman dans les Balkans : le cas des chemins de fer
  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, 14.00-16.00
  • Session La Géorgie et le Sud-Est européen: héritages byzantins et parcours culturel commun / Georgia and South East Europe: Byzantine Heritage and Common Cultural Path
  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, 16.00-18.00
  • Session Dévotion et donations pieuses aux Lieux Saints de l’Empire Ottoman / Devotion and Pious Donations to the Holy Places within the Ottoman Empire, Convenor: Radu G. Păun

Tuesday, September, 3

  • Library of the Holy Synod, 10.00-18.00
  • Session Le Sud-Est Européen et la Méditerranée orientale / South-East Europe and the Eastern Mediteranean (1st part), Convenor: Ioana Feodorov
  • Keynote lecture: Bernard Heyberger, Eastern Christianities (17th -18th century): a connected history
  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, 09.00-16.30
  • Session La conquête ottomane des Balkans: changement structurel et continuité /The Ottoman Conquest of the Balkans: Structural Change and Continuity, Convenor: Oliver J. Schmitt
  • Keynote lecture: Oliver J. Schmitt, The Ottoman conquest of the Balkans – theoretical models of interpretations
  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, 10.00-18.00
  • Session La rhétorique religieuse du pouvoir à Byzance et dans le Sud-Est européen / The Religious Rhetoric of Power in Byzantium and South-East Europe (1st part), Convenors: Andrei Timotin, Ivan Biliarsky
  • Keynote lecture: Paul Magdalino, The religious rhetoric of Byzantine political prophecy
  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, 11.00-17.30
  • D’Ani en Roumanie: histoire, tradition et iconographie/ From Ani to Romania: History, Tradition and Iconography, Convenors: Karen Khachatryan, Anna Leyloyan-Yekmalayan
  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, 11.00-18.00
  • Session Les Balkans dans l’Âge du nouvel impérialisme et au-delà / The Balkans in the Age of New Imperialism and beyond, Convenor: Vojislav Pavlović
  • Keynote lecture: Florin Țurcanu, Nicolae Iorga, l'impérialisme du début du 20e siècle en relation avec "le droit à la vie des petites nations"
  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, 09.00-15.00
  • Session Réseaux dans le Sud-Est européen: politique, commerce, culture (XIVe-XVIIe siècles) / Networks in South-East Europe: Politics, Trade, Culture (14th-17th Centuries) (2nd part), Convenor: Ovidiu Cristea
  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, 15.00-17.00
  • Session Entre Tsar, Kaiser et Sultan : nouvelles approches de l’âge de la Révolution au Bas-Danube et dans la région de la Mer Noire/ Between Czar, Kaiser and Sultan : New Approaches to the Age of Revolution in the Lower Danube and the Black Sea Area, Convenor: Konrad Petrovszky
  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, 10.00-16.00
  • Session Nouvelles perspectives sur la linguistique balkanique / New Perspectives on Balkan Linguistics (2nd part), Convenors: Mariyana Tsibranska, Cătălina Vătășescu, Vasilka Alexova
  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, 16.00-18.00
  • Session Sur les fleuves et sur les mers : conflit hydropolitique et coopération maritime dans le Sud-Est européen / On Rivers and Seas: Hydropolitical Conflict and Maritime Cooperation in South-East Europe, Convenor: Constantin Ardeleanu, Stelu Șerban

Wednesday, September, 4

  • Library of the Holy Synod, 10.00-18.00
  • Session Le Sud-Est Européen et la Méditerranée orientale / South-East Europe and the Eastern Mediteranean (2nd part), Convenor: Ioana Feodorov
  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, 10.00-18.00
  • Session L’Orthodoxie, de l’empire à l’Eglise. Expressions sociales et formes culturelles de la foi / Orthodoxy, from Empire to Church. Social Manifestations and Cultural Forms of Faith, Convenor: Petre Guran
  • Keynote lecture: Paschalis Kitromilides
  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, 10.00-18.00
  • Session La rhétorique religieuse du pouvoir à Byzance et dans le Sud-Est européen / The Religious Rhetoric of Power in Byzantium and South-East Europe (2nd part), Convenors: Andrei Timotin, Ivan Biliarsky
  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, 11.00-13.00
  • Session The Imagery of Eastern Christianity and Islam According to Western Travel Descriptions during the Second Half of the 16th Century, Convenors: Ionuț-Alexandru Tudorie, Bogdan Tătaru-Cazaban
  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, 14.00-17.00
  • Session The Ottoman Empire, the Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean through the Eyes of Western Travelers / L’Empire Ottoman, les Balkans et la Méditerranée orientale au miroir des voyageurs occidentaux, Convenor: Viorel Panaite
  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, 09.00-17.30
  • Session Sortir de la Grande Guerre : les sociétés sud-est européennes de 1918 à 1923 / Exit from the Great War: South-East European Societies from 1918 to 1923, Convenors: Florin Țurcanu, Vojislav Pavlović, Daniel Vatchkov
  • Keynote lecture: Vojislav Pavlović, The Quest for Peace in the Balkans 1918-1923
  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, 11.00-17.00
  • Doctrines, mouvements et régimes totalitaires dans le Sud-Est européen au XXe siècle / Doctrines, Movements and Totalitarian Regimes in South-East Europe in the 20th Century, and panel Everyday life in Communist Romania, Convenors: Mioara Anton, Georgi Engelhardt
  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, 10.00-18.00
  • Session La sauvegarde de l’héritage culturel et artistique dans le Sud-Est européen / Conserving the Cultural and Artistic Heritage in South-East Europe, Convenors: Sabina Ispas, Tereza Sinigalia
  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, 14.00-17.00
  • Session La frontière dans les Balkans : ouverture et fermeture des territoires / The border in the Balkans: opening and closing the territories, Convenor: Guy Burgel

Thursday, September, 5

  • Library of the Holy Synod, 10.00-18.00
  • Session L’imprimerie dans et pour le Sud-Est de l’Europe/ The Printing Press in and for South East Europe, Convenor: Arhim. Policarp Chițulescu
  • Keynote lecture: Arhim. Policarp Chițulescu, Books that were printed in Europe during the 17th and 18th century by support from the Romanian Countries
  • Romanian National Archives, 10.00-16.00
  • Session Perspectives sur la numérisation des documents des archives sud-est européennes / Perspectives on the Digitization of Documents in the South-East European Archives, Convenor: Șerban Marin
  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, 09.00-17.00
  • Session Les apocryphes bibliques dans les Sud-Est européen. Variation et transmission de l’Antiquité à l’époque moderne / Biblical Apocrypha in South-East Europe. Variation and Transmission from Antiquity to Modern Times (1st part), Convenors: Anissava Miltenova, Emanuela Timotin
  • Keynote lecture: Michael E. Stone, Edda Vardanyan, Pulling Beards and Injuring Knees: Jacob and the Angel
  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, 10.00-18.00
  • Session La fortune des monuments byzantins à l’époque post-byzantine/The Afterlife of the Byzantine monuments in Post-Byzantine Times, Convenor: Elena Boeck
  • Keynote lecture: Elena Boeck, Celebrity, Antiquity, Allegory: Justinian’s Bronze Horseman and Renaissance Vistas
  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, 14.00-18.00
  • Session Les marchands dans les Balkans: solidarités familiales et géographiques, réseaux et techniques commerciales / Merchants in the Balkans: Family and Geographical Solidarities, Networks and Commercial Techniques (1st part), Convenors: Cristian Luca, Salvatore Bottari
  • Keynote lecture: Maria Christina Chatziioannou, The different patterns between inland and sea trade, 18th–19th centuries
  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, 09.00-17.00
  • Session La formation des nations sud-est européennes et les unifications nationales / The Formation of South-East European Nations and the National Unifications (1st part), Convenors: Jolanta Sujecka, A. Nuri Yurdusev
  • Keynote lecture: Jolanta Sujecka, Markers of Identity in the Slavia Orthodoxa Realm: Dositej Obradović and His Identity Construction Between Influence of Europe, and the Balkans
  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, 10.00-15.30
  • Session La migration. Condition humaine et politique dans le Sud-Est européen / The Migration. Human and political Condition in South-East Europe, Convenor: Elena Siupiur, Konstantin Nikiforov
  • Keynote lecture: Elena Siupiur, La migration. Condition humaine et politique dans le Sud-Est européen
  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, 15.30-18.00
  • Session Circulation of Goods, Circulation of People in South-Eastern Europe (17th–early 19th centuries), Convenor: Constanța Vintilă-Ghițulescu
  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, 11.00-18.00
  • Session Les minorités religieuses dans le Sud-Est européen / Religious Minorities in South-East Europe (1st part), Convenors: Cristina Feneșan, Aleksandra Twardowska
  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, 09.00-12.00
  • Session Union Européenne et État sud-est européen / European Union and South-East European State, Convenors: Francesco Guida, Daniel Cain
  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, 14.00-18.00
  • Session Dynamiques religieuses entre le Pont-Euxin et la mer Egée dans l’Antiquité/ Religious Dynamics between the Pontos Euxeinos and the Aegean Sea in Antiquity (1st part), Convenors: Vasilica Lungu, Adrian Robu
  • Keynote lecture: François de Polignac

Friday, September, 6

  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, 10.00-18.00
  • Session La culture écrite des périphéries du Moyen-Âge à l'époque moderne / Written Culture of the Peripheries from Middle Ages to Modern Times, Convenor: Paolo Odorico
  • Keynote lecture: Paolo Odorico, Commonwealth athonite ? Une question de périphéries
  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, 09.00-16.00
  • Session Dynamiques religieuses entre le Pont-Euxin et la mer Egée dans l’Antiquité/ Religious Dynamics between the Pontos Euxeinos and the Aegean Sea in Antiquity (2nd part), Convenors: Vasilica Lungu, Adrian Robu
  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, 11.00-17.30
  • Session L’héritage byzantin dans le Sud-Est de l’Europe / The Byzantine Heritage in Southeastern Europe in the Middle Ages, Convenors: Srdjan Pirivatrić, Andrei Timotin
  • Keynote lecture: Srdjan Pirivatrić, The Autonomous Orthodox Churches in the Medieval Southeastern Europe. Remarks on their Byzantine imperial past
  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, 09.00-13.00
  • Session Les marchands dans les Balkans: solidarités familiales et géographiques, réseaux et techniques commerciales / Merchants in the Balkans: Family and Geographical Solidarities, Networks and Commercial Techniques (2nd part), Convenors: Cristian Luca, Salvatore Bottari
  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, 14.00-17.30
  • Session Entre la surveillance impériale et le regard local. Cartographies de l’Europe du Sud-Est / Between the Imperial Eye and the Local Gaze. Cartographies of South-East Europe, Convenors: Marian Coman, Robert Born
  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, 10.00-18.00
  • Session La formation des nations sud-est européennes et les unifications nationales / The Formation of South-East European Nations and the National Unifications (2nd part), Convenor: Jolanta Sujecka, A. Nuri Yurdusev
  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, 09.00-18.00
  • Session Les apocryphes bibliques dans les Sud-Est européen. Variation et transmission de l’Antiquité à l’époque moderne / Biblical Apocrypha in South-East Europe. Variation and Transmission from Antiquity to Modern Times (2nd part), Convenors: Anissava Miltenova, Emanuela Timotin
  • University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, 11.00-18.00
  • Session Les minorités religieuses dans le Sud-Est européen / Religious Minorities in South-East Europe (2nd part), including panel Jews in Yugoslavia in the 20th Century, Convenors: Cristina Feneșan, Aleksandra Twardowska

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